Sunday, 2 June 2013

Culture and Civilization Project 1 (The Rise of Civilization)

In this project, we are required to find a member to do the project, which is 2 person in a group, so I have find a member named Ong Kok Sheng to group with me. After that, our lecture had also given us the title for our project which is Vietnam, an ancient Vietnam. So, we started to do some research about ancient Vietnam. After we had done with the research and we collected enough information for ancient Vietnam, we start doing our work which explaining the history of ancient Vietnam. In conclusion, I have learn how to develop skills in gathering information and synthesizing relevant information into a concise presentation and this project make me learn more about the history of Vietnam. The pictures below shows our work for this project.
Cover page
Ancient Vietnam map
Timeline in our project

Types of livelihood in ancient Vietnam

Subsistence of Ly Dynasty in ancient Vietnam

Settlement Pattern


Form of government

Form of government

Economic system

Social satisfication


Cultural traits/ art and architecture 

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