Title: Series 5 minutes sketch |
Title: Tracing a photo |
Title: Creative Perspective |
Title: Spatial Communication |
Title: Spatial Structural and Joint |
Title: Object in Nature Context |
Title: Animal or Figure in Action |
Title: Human Activities |
Title: Geometric Projections |
From this assignment, I had learned how to draw an nature object and also the skills to draw or sketch something. In this project, I had used pencil, marker pen, pen and color pencil to finish my project. We also given a task to draw 9 different sketches such as series of 5 min sketch, tracing a photo, creative perspective, spatial communication, spatial structural and joint, object in nature context, animal or figure in action, human activities and geometric projections. After my lectures give group mates and I the brief, we went to different places to take photos so that we can draw something according to the task given in the project, after we finished drawing our sketches, we submitted the sketches to the lecture on the due date. The pictures above shows that the sketches that I have done.
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